Amsterdam Housing Authority

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Housing Choice Voucher Participants

Welcome to the Amsterdam Housing Authority’s Housing Choice Voucher Program.  The Housing Choice Voucher program provides rental assistance to eligible families throughout the City of Amsterdam.

The Amsterdam Housing Authority will make every effort to inform you of the program rules, and to advise you of how these rules affect you. If at any time you do not understand the rules and regulations or would like further explanation, please contact your case worker.

Failure to abide by program rules and regulations will result in termination from the program.

You are encouraged to ask any questions you may have about the program during the briefing.

Please feel free to submit questions at any time during your participation in the program.

The rules and regulations for the Housing Choice Voucher Program are determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development {HUD). The purpose of the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program is to provide rental assistance to eligible low-income families.

Click the Link Below to view the AHA Family Voucher Briefing Video

Haga clic en el enlace para continuar al video informativo sobre el programa de Vales de Elección de vivienda.–QuQpfrWZw