Amsterdam Housing Authority

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Apply for Amsterdam Housing Authority Housing Programs


Please read the following information before beginning your application.

The following form is an application for an apartment in one of the Amsterdam Housing Authority’s Public Housing Development sites and/or the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program.

The preliminary application must be completed in full and submitted via the “Submit Application” button at the end of the application in order to process your application for placement on the waiting list. Upon successful completion you will print and save a receipt for your records. Applications will not be accepted via mail, fax or in person.

Eligibility requirements can differ between programs. Please view the Section 8 or Public Housing tabs for more information including income limits.


The form must be complete in full. Your name, address, phone number and social security number must be filled in correctly. In addition, all family members who will reside in the unit with you must be listed.

You must fill in your annual income amount. Many of our programs require certain income levels to qualify and without this information we cannot determine whether you meet these qualifications.

Required Information

Once on the portal, you will be asked for basic information about you and your household members. Name, Social Security Number, date of birth, and income must be provided for all household members including infants. You are required to give full address of employers, complete landlord history with names & addresses of previous landlords as you complete your application. Since this is only a preliminary application to be placed on the waiting list, no official documents are needed at this time.

Please gather this information prior to beginning the application process in order to save time.

Special Unit Requirement Questionnaire

Please complete this section in full. The questionnaire is to be administered to every applicant for Public Housing/Section 8 at the Amsterdam Housing Authority. It is to be used to determine whether an applicant needs special features in their housing unit. The need for special adaptations must be verified in order to assure that the limited number of units with special features go to families that truly need and will benefit from the features.


Future Contact and Follow Up

All future contact with you will be done via first class mail. It is imperative that your address be kept current and up-to-date with us. You must notify this office in writing to update your address. No change of address information will be taken over the telephone. Your file will be closed if the Post Office is unable to deliver mail to the address we have on file with you.


Application Preference

It is important to select all preferences that apply to your household. Applications for all AHA Waiting Lists are ranked according to the preferences selected in the pre-application. Applicants are encouraged to submit any changes in their application to the Amsterdam Housing Authority. All changes must be submitted in writing. Confirmation of the changes will be sent via mail to each applicant. The Amsterdam Housing Authority has a preference for working families, or those unable to work due to age or disability AND who live or work in the City of Amsterdam. If you do not meet both of these preferences, you are still welcome to apply, however, it is unlikely we will ever reach your name on our waiting list.


Changes to Application

All changes must be reported in writing. To report the change, you may use the Applicant Portal and update the information that needs to be updated. You must include the head of household’s full name and Social Security number as well as the confirmation number of your receipt on any request to change your waiting list application.


All changes should be mailed to:

Amsterdam Housing Authority

Waitlist Update

52 Division Street

Amsterdam, New York 12010


or Via email to: for Public Housing Applications or for all other applications


The Amsterdam Housing Authority is a fair and equal housing agency and does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation, family status, or national origin either in employment or in the provision of services to its residents.  If you believe that your Fair Housing Rights have been violated, we encourage you to file a complaint as soon as possible.  Information about filing a complaint can be located at the FHEO page on the HUD website 

 If a disabled person requires reasonable accommodations to complete the application, call 518-842-2894.

It is against HUD policy to charge an application fee. No payment or fee should be given to anyone in connection with the preparation, submission or processing of an application for any AHA Program